Unveiling the World of EMS Cigars: English Market Selection

Unveiling the World of EMS Cigars: English Market Selection

Unveiling the World of EMS Cigars

 English Market Selection


The world of cigars is rich, diverse, and deeply steeped in tradition. Among the plethora of cigar options available to aficionados, one term that frequently arises is "EMS" or English Market Selection. But what exactly does this term mean, and why are EMS cigars so highly regarded in the world of tobacco connoisseurs? In this blog post, we will delve into the fascinating world of EMS cigars, exploring their history, characteristics, and why they have earned their place in the hearts of discerning cigar enthusiasts.

What Are EMS Cigars?

EMS, which stands for English Market Selection, is a term that has been synonymous with high-quality cigars for decades. These cigars are carefully selected and curated to meet the discerning tastes of the English cigar market. The term originated in the 19th century when British cigar importers sought to distinguish cigars of superior quality from others. To do this, they handpicked the finest tobacco leaves, ensuring that only the best cigars made their way to English shores.

Characteristics of EMS Cigars

  1. Superior Tobacco: EMS cigars are known for their exceptional tobacco quality. The tobacco used in these cigars is typically grown in regions with ideal climate conditions, such as Cuba, the Dominican Republic, or Nicaragua. These areas provide the perfect environment for growing flavorful and aromatic tobacco leaves.

  2. Craftsmanship: EMS cigars are handcrafted by skilled artisans who take great pride in their work. These craftsmen carefully select and blend different tobacco leaves to create a harmonious and complex flavor profile. The meticulous attention to detail in the rolling process ensures a consistent burn and draw in each cigar.

  3. Aging Process: Many EMS cigars undergo an aging process, allowing the flavors to mature and develop complexity. This aging process can range from several months to several years, depending on the specific cigar.

  4. Distinct Flavors: EMS cigars are known for their nuanced and distinct flavors. These cigars often offer a well-balanced combination of earthy, spicy, and sweet notes, providing a sensory experience that evolves as you smoke them.

Why EMS Cigars are Highly Regarded

  1. Consistency: One of the key reasons EMS cigars are highly regarded is their consistency. Aficionados know that when they choose an EMS cigar, they can expect a reliable and enjoyable smoking experience every time.

  2. Tradition: EMS cigars carry with them a sense of tradition and history. Smoking one of these cigars is like stepping back in time to an era when craftsmanship and quality were paramount.

  3. Rich Flavor Profile: The carefully selected tobacco leaves and the aging process contribute to the rich and complex flavor profiles of EMS cigars. Each cigar offers a unique tasting journey, making them a favorite among those who appreciate the art of cigar smoking.

  4. Prestige: EMS cigars are often associated with prestige and exclusivity. They are a symbol of luxury and sophistication, making them a preferred choice for special occasions and moments of celebration.


In the world of cigars, EMS, or English Market Selection, cigars hold a special place. These cigars are a testament to the rich history and tradition of cigar craftsmanship. With their superior tobacco quality, meticulous craftsmanship, and distinct flavor profiles, EMS cigars continue to capture the hearts of cigar enthusiasts worldwide. If you're looking to indulge in a cigar that embodies quality and tradition, an EMS cigar is undoubtedly a worthy choice.

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